Battery recycling – Pastics sorting 07-03-2023 - Arhive

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Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

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-Mercedes begins building battery recycling factory in southern Germany

The pilot plant will have an annual capacity of 2500 tonnes and will contribute to the production of more than 50,000 battery modules for Mercedes EVs.

Mercedes-Benz laid the foundation stone for a sustainable battery recycling factory in Kuppenheim, southern Germany on Friday.

The pilot plant will have an annual capacity of 2500 tonnes and will contribute to the production of more than 50,000 battery modules for new electric Mercedes vehicles, the automaker said in a statement. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

Recycled batteries will come from test vehicles and start-up batteries. Based on the pilot’s success, production volumes could be scaled up in the medium to long term.

Commissioning for the first stage of the plant — mechanical dismantling — is scheduled to begin in December this year. Subject to talks with the public sector, the pilot factory will be completed a few months later.

The Kuppenheim plant already runs a CO2-neutral operation with solar and green electricity. Its construction is being funded as part of a scientific research project by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

“We are sending an important signal of innovative strength in Baden-Württemberg and Germany for sustainable electromobility,” said Jörg Burzer, management board member of Mercedes-Benz in production and supply chain management.

Thekla Walker, minister for the environment, climate and energy in Baden-Württemberg, said she was pleased that Mercedes was promoting the topic of the circular economy.

“This is of particular importance in view of the limited availability of important raw materials that are in high demand, such as lithium, cobalt and nickel,” she said.

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Battery recycling - Pastics sorting

-Solvay to sell its stake in RusVinyl

Solvay announced that it has agreed on final terms to sell its 50% stake in the RusVinyl joint

venture to its joint venture partner Sibur. Upon completion, the divestment will represent

another important milestone in the transformation of Solvay’s portfolio, and will mark the

final step in the Company’s strategy to exit its cyclical global polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

operations. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

The agreement is based on a purchase price for Solvay’s 50% stake of around €430 million.

A capital loss of around €175 million will be recognized on completion mainly reflecting the

crystallization of historic currency translation balances.

The completion of the transaction is expected to take place towards the end of the first

quarter 2023.


Solvay to sell its stake in RusVinyl

-Colorado city plans development of pyrolysis plant, plastics sorting facility

The city of Greeley, Colorado, is discussing the development of a plastic sorting facility and pyrolysis plant.

The city of Greeley, Colorado, is in talks with an unidentified company to develop a pyrolysis plant and an associated plastics sorting facility in the city.

The proposed pyrolysis plant would be next to Andersen’s Sales & Salvage on 8th Street in Greeley, according to a memo from Benjamin Snow, Greeley’s director of Economic Health and Housing, and J.R. Salas, manager of the Greeley Urban Renewal Authority (GURA), sent Jan. 30 to GURA’s board of commissioners. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

The memo states that Andersen purchased that property from GURA in 2022 and holds the title to this property under the name ASR Energy LLC. Andersen intends to convey plastic scrap from its auto recycling operations to the adjacent site for processing, according to the report.

To make the plant economically viable, GURA reports that the unidentified company it is working with will collect household waste and sort it into plastics destined for the pyrolysis plant. The report states that the unidentified company has secured commitments from household waste haulers operating in Greeley to use their proposed local sorting facility site as the delivery point. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

Snow tells Recycling Today Media Group that Greeley City Council still needs to approve plans for the facility, and, until that happens, he and GURA wish to keep the name of the company unidentified.


Battery recycling - Pastics sorting

-Pakistan on path of bankruptcy, could textile industry be the savior?

Bottoming foreign exchange and rising inflation

A recent public speech by Khawaja Asif, Pakistan’s defense minister, in which he declared that “It (default) has already taken place. We are living in a bankrupt country,” quickly set tongues wagging. Pakistan is facing one of its worst economic crises since independence. Its public debt stands at nearly $294 billion, or 90% of gross domestic product. By March, nearly $20 billion in debt payments are due, making default almost certain. Reserves held by the central bank have recovered slightly to $3.258 billion, but that would cover only three weeks of imports. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

The poorly-developed export industry is the main cause for Pakistan’s foreign exchange shortage, while the interest rate hike becomes the last straw that breaks the camel’s back. With the rapid rise of the US interest rate, Pakistan’s huge debt falls into an infinite cycle of compound interest.


Battery recycling - Pastics sorting

-Tesla, large objectives in the third phase of development: 20 ml cars in 2030 and engines at $ 1,000. But it does not reveal the compact

What Elon Musk revealed to the annual Investor Day – by calling him Master Plan Part 3 – has disappointed a part of the investors as it did not enter in detail by anticipating new models (including the long -awaited compact, smaller and cheaper than Model 3 ). The only anticipation is a minivan premium electric, rival of Mercedes EQV. But instead he made his eyes stretched to professionals and above all the rival houses that, if the announced plan should respect times and objectives, would find themselves in an embarrassing situation. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

In the first place Musk “snorted an industrial goal that is not exaggerated to define mega-galactic. In fact, to the fateful date of 2030 Tesla aims to invade the world markets with 20 million vehicles per year, multiplying the current production capacity for 8 which is 2.5 million divided between the United States, Germany and China. Tesla 20milionEV Cars 2030
An extraordinary amount of electric vehicles, which would require an investment – detailed the CFO of Tesla Zachary Kirkhorn – equally large, $ 150 billion which includes the 28 spent to date for the factories. With 20 million Tesla sold today – it should be emphasized – Elon Musk would overwhelmingly tear the scepter of the number one manufacturer in the world, making the 10 million registrations made in 2022 by the Toyota giant. Another ‘Uppercut’ placed to opponents is the technological and industrial plan that combines the rethinking of the hardware – in this case the combination platform, battery and engine – and the relative manufacturing lines. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting


Tesla, large objectives in the third phase of development: 20 ml cars in 2030 and engines at $ 1,000. But it does not reveal the compact

-India’s oil buy from Russia surges, now more than one-third of total imports

India’s imports of crude oil from Russia soared to a record 1.6 million barrels per day in February and is now higher than combined imports from traditional suppliers Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Russia continued to be the single largest supplier of crude oil, which is converted into petrol and diesel at refineries, for a fifth straight month by supplying more than one-third of all oil India imported, according to energy cargo tracker Vortexa.

Refiners continue to snap up plentiful Russian cargoes available at a discount to other grades. Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

From a market share of less than 1 per cent in India’s import basket before the start of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in February 2022, Russia’s share of India’s imports rose to 1.62 million barrels per day in February, taking a 35 per cent share. 

India, the world’s third-largest crude importer after China and the United States, has been snapping Russian oil that was available at a discount after some in the West shunned it as a means of punishing Moscow for its invasion of Ukraine.


India's oil buy from Russia surges, now more than one-third of total imports

-Remarkable Mushroom Could Replace Plastics In Everyday Products

Researchers have found that a certain mushroom could replace plastic as a raw material for a myriad of everyday products. A Feb. 22 study published in Science Advances expounded on the capability of the Fomes fomentarius mushroom to yield a wide range of materials with different properties.  Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

  1. fomentarius becomes hoof-shaped as it ages, gaining it the nickname “hoof fungus.” The mushroom has been branded the “tinder fungus” as it is easily combustible and has been used to start fires for thousands of years.

The researchers scrutinized F. fomentarius using advanced imaging techniques and mechanical strength tests to study each layer and assess their potential uses. They found that it possesses different material properties ranging from soft and sponge-like to tough and woody.


Remarkable Mushroom Could Replace Plastics In Everyday Products

Battery recycling – Pastics sorting

Enzymatic technologies – Indorama IVL 06-03-2023